About Diggi

Helping small business owners grow their business with web design & marketing automation

How We Work

Ultimately, we help our customers achieve their goals. With the guide below see how we can help you.

How We Work

Over the last 11 years, we've continued to develop our process to bring you the best results we can.

We do things a certain way to bring you these results in the quickest time possible and in the most cost-effective way.


Firstly we want to evaluate where you are currently. It's always easier to get to where you want to go if you know where you are starting.

We'll ask you the right questions to get out the answers that are important to your growth.


Next, we will make the plan for moving forward.


The fun begins during the design stage because we get to play with the crayons and colouring pencils to bring your interactive prototype to life to match your brand identity.


Now it's time to take them designs and turn them into your real life web pages.


Finally, we go underground for a couple of weeks and make sure everything is plugged in and tested before deploying your shiny new website to your hosting server so you can show it off to the whole world.

Problems We Solve

By working closely with our clients, we can solve the problems they occur with their online platform.

Generate Leads

Increase Sales

Grow Your Business

About Us

Let’s be honest having your own business can be…..a little stressful.

Over the past couple of years we’ve found our feet here at Diggi.

Being introduced ourselves to automation software has been a game changer. In the end we found a software that was right for us. We also found that helping other business owners with the very same problems that we faced ourselves was very rewarding. 

Fast forward 11 years, and we have now helped so many clients and customers. If you want to find out more, click below. 

Get Your Free In- Depth Website Review Now

Your website is more than just a collection of text and images. It’s a sales platform that helps you to connect your business with your ideal audience. Is your website delivering results to your business right now?

Ready to find out more about your website?

Pop your details below and we’ll get to work on your in-depth website review.

Ready to find out more about your website?

Pop your details below and we’ll get to work on
your free website review.

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Getting Started

Let’s get started on creating your brand new website.

Book Your Free BUSINESS GROWTH Call With Jamie Now!